Buildings, Bugs, and Boxes

We continued to make improvements to the new player construction system this week. Nothing strengthens the bonds of a team like base building. It’s great to have a place to put your stuff, rest your weary bones, plan raids, and avoid having your face eaten off while you sleep. We fixed a few mesh bugs that were causing headaches and some Daliesque lines and spent a lot of time working through merging, rotation, and construction piece management issues. The radial construction menu got some improvements and we updated all the “recipes” for new construction pieces. The system has a bit to go before we’re ready for Better Shacks and Gardens, but we’re making good progress.

With all the work going into building things, we thought it only fair that we put some time into breaking things too. For as long as anyone can remember Chris has had one consistent question when presented with a new object or building, “Can I shoot it?” This week his desire to blow up the world he helped create got one step closer to reality. We’ve created a new “Bullet Penetration Properties” class which allows defining how a bullet reacts to an array of physical materials. We defined damage reduction to a number of different materials making things like glass more easily damaged than stone and added impact effects to many materials. Not everything can be blown away with a reckless discharge of ammo, but it’s a start.

The team made some updates to boxes, crates, bags, and all manner of containers holding loot across the map. We added support for interacting with and adding items to building containers when they are empty, weights for items and containers, and changed sizes for various building system containers.

With all the new things to shoot and containers to loot, we were excited to empty a few clips when we ran into this little bug with the mutants. As you can see in the clip below, the horrors of the jungle figured out how to roll and stretch with the bullets, making killing them considerably harder. While it gave us a good laugh and is probably better than any movie version of The Fantastic Four made yet, super stretchy mutants aren’t on our roadmap.

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