Road Work and Game Fixes

If you’d like to travel to Lahaina in the year 2120 and test your survival skills while helping us make the game more fun to play we’d love to have you. Click the link to join our discord and go to the #assign-roles channel. We’ll give you a key and get you set up in the game.

A big mahalo to all of the testers for their bug hunting prowess and their great suggestions to make Fractured Veil better! Here’s a list of everything we’ve fixed or improved using their input from last week’s play session. We’re hard at work addressing the remaining bugs and implementing more of your awesome ideas in the game!

  • nubkid – Road decals are being applied to wooden crates and other objects. Bodies disappear too quickly, less than 5 minutes.
  • Aqua – Recipes not updating as you gather resources. Building pieces disappearing 5 seconds after being placed, mainly walls/windows. Constructed objects and bodies are not persisting between server restarts after a crash.
  • Kruton and Schism – “Take all” is broken.
  • Palaman/Fatih/40 – Can’t build campfire in your building. Need to make it more obvious that totems need to be built and stocked with resources to auto-repair. Can place iron ore in campfire and it disappears.
  • Saur – Round floors not rotating properly. Code Locks are not accepting codes being entered.
  • Sckiz – Can’t put bandages on the toolbar.
  • TrublsmScHOLAR – Task: If player is holding a torch, hold f on dead body to ignite. Persist hints on screen for longer.
  • Dreis – No progress bar on recycling buildings.Mouse look and feels a little clunky, not as smooth and responsive as other games.

In addition to squashing the bugs and implementing the suggestions made by our testers we made a number of improvements to the diorama system and map. The team added new buildings throughout the play area, improved road materials, and implemented the new road system. Lights, cars, and loot will now be spawn procedurally on every road. Here’s a look at what players can find while exploring the beaten paths in the game.
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