Respawning Rooms and Thatch Buildings

This is the first full week of sprint 40 and we will be working on finishing our investor trailer, improving the drone and performance, making another audio pass across the map, polishing up some older features, and adding posters and some personal touches to buildings and roadways. Our main goals will be building on the player construction system, and finishing up some of our gameplay features.

We kicked off the week by fixing many construction bugs including an issue with recycling the final piece of a building not cleaning up memory properly, the permission menu not opening properly, and various problems with floors, walls, and foundation pieces not rotating and fitting correctly. All of our time wasn’t spent on making Maui’s post-apocalyptic code enforcement happy however, we also made some substantial improvements to the system.

The team added curved floor tiles, a door lock actor, and an early version of a door password system, although we still can’t promise it is working well enough to keep out nosy siblings or parents on a cleaning binge. In addition, we imported thatch meshes for windows, walls, foundations, and floors. As you can see from the shots below players can build a great looking structure to house all their friends and loot.
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It’s not just player built constructions that got some love this week. We’ve added ambient sounds to a number of our main structures including the Communication Tower and the Thorcon Power Plant. We’ve added a lot of crafting equipment inside the plant and have been discussing further improvements in anticipation of making the huge building the social hub of the game. One of those improvements is adding a respawn area inside. Below you can see a few concept shots of what the new respawn areas might look like inside the Thorcon.
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