Roadside Attractions

The end of our systems update is in sight and we know how eager many of you are to get in the game. We appreciate your patience! We’ll be handing out new testing keys again soon. As always, a big mahalo to our current testers who help us find bugs and provide great ideas for the game. We love your feedback! Here’s a list of everything you found and we fixed since the play session last week.

  • Aazlor – Outline on the building part that is going to be upgraded so you can see what you are upgrading.
  • Eldisty – Can’t see other players muzzle flashes/bullets and there are no sounds
  • nubkid – AI hitching once more than 60 were spawned.
  • zaccsi – AI Sliding.
  • Maikowl – AI on constructed pieces.
  • Azshire the Great – Spawned in God Mode.
  • Larry – Server crash when building.

You can learn more about the game and get all the latest updates by going to our Discord server or checking out our Steam page.

There’s no doubt that discovering a new building or big landmark in a game can be exciting. As players of survival games ourselves, we know how fun it is to explore a large structure, looking for hidden loot or whatever else may be living inside. It’s one of the reasons we’ve spent a ton of dev time making our Comm Tower, Thorcon Power Plant, and Veilstation great places to explore. We also thought getting there should be just as much fun.

We’re always going to be adding more stuff (closed-alpha means we can keep testing / adding / breaking), so for the roads more and less travelled, as well as the little stops in between, we wanted to give exploration fans reasons to get excited. This week we focused on improving some of those in between areas and our diorama system. The system automatically places interesting things to see and loot to scrounge along the trails, paths, rivers, and roads, basically everywhere players commonly travel going from place to place. Take a look below at some of our roadside attractions.
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