Posters, Rivers, and Trick Shots

A new sprint started this week and for the next 30 days we’ll be focusing on updating the map, creating bots for testing, AI sieging, and fixing persistence. We also plan on adding some polish to the player construction system, updating older features, and of course plugging away at the bug list.

We tackled a few bugs already. We fixed an issue where players couldn’t hit weak points if they were standing too close and some issues with our procedural river system flagging shoreline as a river. We added audio for crafting/recycling failures so players will know if their shop projects are getting a failing grade and a flashing alert when stats get to 10% or less. The team added posters and pictures to houses as well to give them a more authentic lived-in feel. All the images so far come from individuals on the team. To be honest, some of them could stand toe-to-toe with anything you’d find on Awkward Family Photos but they do make the ruins more realistic.

Speaking of embarrassing moments we discovered a few more issues with the way the mutants were acting in combat. We found a bug where any AI who started to throw a projectile would throw it backwards if their target quickly ran behind them and we found that Big Bob would sometimes run in place. We’re all fans of trick shots and getting healthier but Bob has to stay big, it’s in his name, so we fixed the issues.

Lastly, we added navigating controls to the drone a while ago to help film trailers and video. Let’s just say flying the eyes in the sky around Lahaina isn’t as easy as you think. Below you can see what the drone can capture with a rookie at the controls.

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